Comic Books

Who Is She-Hulk?

She-Hulk is Bruce Banner’s/Hulk’s cousin. Her real name is Jennifer Walters. She first appeared in The Savage She-Hulk #1 on January 1, 1980. Since then, she has been on many teams in the Marvel Universe. She has been on The Avengers, A-Force, S.H.I.E.L.D, Defenders, The Fantastic Four and more.

She-Hulk married John Jameson. She first met him when he was the Man-Wolf during a Microverse adventure of The Savage She-Hulk comic. They got divorced soon after they got married.

She is on Earth-616 in the comics. She is on the same Earth as Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Thanos, Galactus, and SO MANY more! Some of her villains on Earth-616 are Titiana, Absorbing Man, Blizzard, Abomination, Ruby Thursday, Jameel Jamil, and Thundra.

If you are interested in learning more about She-Hulk, make sure to check out some comic books she’s been in, such as The Infinity Gauntlet and Secret Wars!

One thought on “Who Is She-Hulk?

  • Becky Reed

    Great article, Nick. Very informative. Looking forward to your next character.

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