Comic Books

The Best Way to Start Off Your Comic Book Journey

I love Batman because he is not only what made me fall in love with DC but also made me fall in love with comics as a whole. I first got introduced to Batman in the early 2000s by watching a cartoon called The Batman. The show introduced me to a ton of characters I love today like Solomon Grundy, Man-Bat, Joker, Bane, Ragdoll, and many more! I enjoy not only watching them, and other characters in that show like Robin and Alfred, in other things and reading more about them in other Batman-related storylines like “Death In The Family” and “The Killing Joke.”

My favorite iteration of Batman is Michael Keaton. Whenever I watched Batman ’89 for the first time when I was a little kid, I thought it was amazing from beginning to end. And I still hold that to be true ’til this day. Michael Keaton symbolizes what and who Batman is. Not only that, but Batman ’89 was the first ever Batman movie I watched. That is the movie what got me into loving all of the other Batman movies in the first place.

Batman is a great character. He is probably (most likely) my all-time favorite superhero ever! If you aren’t into comic books or know anybody that wants to get into comics, Batman is the best way to start off your comic book journey. Once you get into Batman, you can also get introduced to other DC characters like Aquaman, Superman, Catwoman, the Green Lantern Corps, Darkseid, and A TON of other great heroes and villains. You’ll have fun learning about all the characters and learn what it’s like for someone to be a superhero.

One thought on “The Best Way to Start Off Your Comic Book Journey

  • Jennifer O’Brien

    Michael Keaton was a great Batman! First one I ever saw too. 👍

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