
Featured Artist: Mal Meehan

If you’ve been in our comic shop this summer, you may have noticed the art of my wife Aquariann and me on the walls has grown. Mal Meehan, who inked Judge Dredd back in the 80s, unexpectedly turned us into Judges! Once we learned his fascinating background, we knew we had to have him as a featured artist.

Mal drew his first comic book at the age of 9. Drawing on his obsession with analog synthesizers, “Kaptain Keyboard and the Might Moog” was drawn on standard lined paper and even laminated – and made 3 issues.

While at high school, he collaborated on a number of home-spun comic books and had a publication sold at the original Forbidden Planet book store on Denmark Street in London. “Lazarus Brain, Detective in the 22nd Century” sold 10 copies at the store and a few years later, to his surprise, Marvel UK launched a very similar looking character with the cover image declaring “Lazarus Lives.”

After high school, Mal had the opportunity to intern at Fleetway IPC magazines in London, working in production on the seminal British comic book 2000AD, inking occasional late-to-press pages on Judge Dredd, The ABC Warriors and Strontium Dog.

In 1987, he was offered an apprenticeship at Samuelson Film Services, the world’s leading film equipment supplier and studied to become a film cameraman. And get this – he even worked on Tim Burton’s “Batman” (yes, that is Aquariann you hear squealing) and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” before moving into video engineering!

For 30 years, Mal has pioneered the combination of visual design, broadcast engineering, video production and animation, touch-screen applications and interactivity through web and mobile development to create immersive experiences for retail, exhibition and museum installations. He now owns and operates Milton Multimedia, and lives in another historic house in Milton with the same colors as ours!

Mal has recently returned to drawing, inspired by the Inktober movement. Come meet him here, 129 Union St. next to the Milton library, during Second Saturday, Sept. 14 from 2 to 6pm. Or if you can’t make our event, he’ll also have a table at Dogfish Head’s Analog-A-Go-Go Nov. 8-10 and Ocean City Comic Con Dec. 14. And his art is always available to stalk at

One thought on “Featured Artist: Mal Meehan

  • Matthew Vanzo

    Mal is a great guy and a good friend. His drawings are interesting, vibrant, and unique and everyone should go out to see him.

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